Hello Everyone,
I realize that reminding anyone these days about Covid-19 related matters seems redundant, but I feel it is incumbent on me to do so if only for the fact that I know that we all want this season at SVGC to be successful and for all our members, staff and visitors to remain healthy.
The recent PHO announcement re Restaurants caught many off guard but to be honest it should not have come as too much of a surprise. It has been quite evident that ‘we’ ( I am using the collective term) have all become fatigued following the orders in place and doing what is being
asked of us. It is evident in the media, it is evident in town and it has become increasingly more evident here at the Club. I am not pointing fingers, and I am certainly not making accusations, I am merely stating what I am seeing on a daily basis. We are definitely suffering from Covid-19
Yesterday the Howe sound region was singled out as a Covid ‘hotspot’ (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-19-update-dec-1-1.5978544). 410 ppl tested positive in our area last week. With these cases, more and more people are having to do mandatory isolation at home, not because they contracted Covid-19 but because they may have been in contact with someone who has contracted Covid-19. We at the Club have not been immune to this and have had staff who have needed to isolate while awaiting tests, and others who have had to isolate the full two weeks as they had been in contact with someone who tested
positive. However, we have not had a single case of Covid-19 here at the Club. And I know we all want this to remain the case.
There are businesses in Squamish that are currently closed due to Covid-19 exposures and positive tests. We do not want to fall into this unfortunate category. Our small business units, especially the Proshop are very vulnerable and a positive case with the Proshop staff would be horrible for staff, and secondly, would likely close the course down for a minimum of 14
So, I ask you all to please remember the following;
• Do not visit the Club if you are feeling unwell. Use this self-assessment tool and please
get tested if the tool suggests you should https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en. Wait at home
until you get your negative test results.
• Wear your mask when coming into the Proshop and prior to being seated out on the patio.
Feel free to wear your mask outside while on the Club premises and prior to teeing off. I
am encouraging staff to do the same.
• 2 customers/members in the Proshop maximum. Please refrain from spending too much
time in there. One day, hopefully soon, we will be able to be indoors and be more social
again but now is not the time.
• Maintain distance from others and continue to refrain from shaking hands, bumping
elbows etc.
• Refrain from arriving at the Club more than 25mins before your tee time.
I, the Board of SVGC and Staff appreciate your efforts to date and ask that you continue to
remain vigilant in protecting your health and the health of others.
Best Regards,
Scott Wengi
General Manager