While we are not the most strict club when it comes to dress code, we do request that our members, member guests, and public players adhere to a certain level of golf appropriate clothing.

The expectation is that players present themselves in neat, golf appropriate attire which includes:
- Collared shirts with sleeves (mock collars are also acceptable)
- Tailored shorts or trousers
- Dresses, skirts, and blouses that are designed for golf
- Golf appropriate footwear (golf shoes or runners)
The Club deems the following clothing items unacceptable on the golf course or the practice facilities:
- Sweatpants
- Football/basketball shorts
- Singlets/sleeveless shirts
- Hockey/football/basketball jerseys
- T-shirts (allowed on the range but not on course)
- T-shirts with offensive slogans/images
- Halter tops/spaghetti straps
- No bare midriffs
- No torn/ripped clothing
The Members and Staff take great pride in the conditions of the fairways and greens at Squamish Valley Golf Club. In order to help maintain the golf course and to keep it in prime condition for all players, please heed the following course care advice…

- Always carry a seed and sand bottle and repair divots made during play.
- Please repair other divots that you may find, not just your own.
- Rake and smooth out impact areas and footprints in bunkers after playing your shot. After use, rakes should be returned to the middle of the bunker.
- Repair ‘pitch’ marks on greens. A good practice is to repair your own and then repair at least two others.
- Power carts should always be driven in a careful and responsible manner. Keep power carts at least 30 feet from all greens. The course has green posts set up on the edge of this boundary; carts should remain outside these posts at all times.
- Take care when handling the flagstick and do not throw or drop the flagstick on the green. Always take care when replacing the flagstick so as to not cause damage to the hole.
- Players are requested not to use their putter to retrieve the ball from the hole.